UDL and Technology

UDL and Technology

Technology permeates all aspects of our lives, but educators find ways to design curriculum to meet the needs of all learners whether there is technology or not. Effective teachers are creative and resourceful in designing flexible learning environments that address the variability of learners using a range of high-tech and low-tech solutions. Using technology does not necessarily enhance learning, and many technologies have the same accessibility problems that non-tech options might have. Technology makes it easier to apply UDL principles and customize the curriculum.

Select the link to read about UDL and Technology. As you read, consider the role of technology in implementing Universal Design for Learning in the classroom. Select each link at the bottom of the page to “Read an article,” “Find Examples and Resources,” and “Learn about non-tech options.”

  • What is the role of technology in implementing UDL?
  • Can UDL guidelines be implemented without technology? How do you know?
  • Principles 1,2, and 3 have Guidelines and Checkpoints. Select a checkpoint for each principle and identify some examples/resources that represent this checkpoint.
  • Study the chart for the Technology-Less Classroom. What are some options for supporting UDL in the classroom that are relevant to you?
  • Explain how the recommendations in this section are different from your current practice.

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