UDL Training Materials and Resources: Curriculum Writing

On this page, you will find links to training presentations, handouts and suggestions for activities you could do with your curriculum writers.

Click here to download the full UDL presentation.

UDL Background  Presentation: UDL_Background

 Brain Rules and video: Rule #5
 UDL Elevator Speech: What is UDL?

Presentations created by HCPSS Teachers:

Reflections about UDL

UDL movie

Presentation from CAST:

UDL and Learner Variability


Brain Networks and Principles Presentation:BrainNetworks_Principles

 Brain Networks
 Principle 1: Representation
 Principle 2: Action and Expression
 Principle 3: Engagement


Willingham, Daniel. The 21st Century Student Mind (2009)

Willingham: Three brain facts every educator should know Washington Post, December 2010

Willingham article: The Student Mind: Why students don’t like school (pdf)

National Geographic article: The Teenage Brain (doc)

CAST Educator Checklist: identify specific tools to provide flexible options in the classroom.

Barriers to Learning Presentation:Barriers to LearningBarriers to Learning

 Goals  UDL Case Study: Goals
 Methods  UDL Case Study: Methods
 Materials  UDL Case Study: Materials
 Assessments  UDL Case Study: Assessments

Educator Checklist (doc)

Teacher Checklist (doc)

http://udlselfcheck.cast.org:This website allows you to expand your teaching palatte to teach all learners. You should choose one lesson or unit that is ineffective and is not reaching some of your learners. This tool will help you identify barriers and reflect upon the curriculum (goals, methods, materials and assessment). TRY IT!

Barriers in lesson planning activity: Templates and sample barriers worksheet included in this activity.

UDL Interactive Activity: Choose your classroom and go through your lessons!

Common Core and UDL  Presentation:CommonCore_UDLCommon Core and UDL: http://www.udlcenter.org/advocacy/faq_guides/common_core
Resources for Reaching Digital Learners Presentation: Resources_DigitalLearners

 Guiding Principles and UDL
 Engaging students using technology
 Attributes of the Digital Generation


UDLinks: mobile app for resources by content area: Available in ITunes App Store (http://ow.ly/81Rv4) and Google Android Market Place (http://ow.ly/81Rth)
http://www.instagrok.com: Amazing resource for teachers and students. It models UDL in multiple representations- resources are provided in a variety of formats


Bookbuilder, but better! A way for teachers to create online materials, with visuals, audio and captioning.

Sample Teacher and student products:

Teacher Self-reflection in Glogster: http://www.glogster.com/buddy20906/album-glog-by-buddy20906/g-6lib833rid7or88k00gq5a0

Romeo and Juliet: Fakebook:http://www.classtools.net/fb/97/gm9Y5B

Sample Body Systems online “poster”: Middle School: http://poster.4teachers.org/view/poster.php?poster_id=431829

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