Designing for Digital Learners

All students today are digital learners.

The digital world is one of constant engagement, participation, and creation. It requires that students gain new information and become involved in a more dynamic way in the learning process.

In 21st Century workplaces, collaboration, working on teams, problem-solving, risk taking, creative thinking, and flexibility are highly valued. As we prepare students for the workplace, learning should center on these principles to offer students a greater ability to navigate and participate as digital citizens no matter their path in life.
In the spring of 2011, Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) and the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS), through the College and Career Readiness Support Project, embarked on a collaborative investigation to discover the characteristics of the 21st Century learner, with the intention that the findings will inform policy and instruction.

Together, these two counties are leading a new approach to education, one where instruction is designed around discovery, connectivity, and experience, so our students are immersed in the creation of knowledge and are empowered to participate, communicate, and innovate.

Look at the design principles. How can we connect these principles to UDL and in our redesign of curriculum and lessons?

Watch the video below to learn more about what students, administrators, parents and teachers say about needs and desires in the 21st Century classroom.


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